If it's not a "hell yes", it's a no.

If it's not a "hell yes", it's a no.

Saying Yes to Myself

For most of my life, I’ve operated by a simple motto: start with yes.” It’s been my guiding principle, shaping the way I approach opportunities, relationships, and even challenges. It’s made life improvisational, spontaneous, and adventurous - qualities that have brought me countless memories, projects, and connections I wouldn’t trade for anything.

However recently, I’ve been reflecting on what saying “yes” has actually cost me over the years.

When I was younger, “start with yes” felt like the right mindset. It was about exploring the world, chasing ideas, and seeing where the current would take me. But as I've gotten older, I’ve noticed how easy it is for that motto to pull me away from the things that truly matter to me. Opportunities can be enticing, distractions can masquerade as growth, and before I know it, I’m pouring my energy into things that aren’t aligned with my own journey.

It’s not always easy to recognize when it’s happening, but the effects are clear: I’ve often focused more on saying yes to the world around me than on saying yes to myself.

The Shift: From “Yes” to What Matters

In 2025, I’m making a change. Instead of starting with yes, I’m adopting a new motto: If it’s not a “hell yes,” it’s a no.

This isn’t just about being selective—it’s about being intentional. It’s about honoring my time, my energy, and my purpose. The things I say yes to should excite me, inspire me, and move me forward. If they don’t? They’ll need to wait for someone else’s “yes.”

This shift feels necessary. I’ve spent so much of my life trying to be too many things to too many people, leaving less and less for myself. That’s not sustainable, and frankly, it’s not fair to me - or to the things and people I genuinely care about.

Why This Matters

Saying no can be hard, especially when you’re someone who thrives on creativity, collaboration, and the thrill of the new. But I’ve realized that every “yes” carries a cost. It’s not just time - it’s focus, attention, and emotional bandwidth. By saying yes to the wrong things, I’ve been saying no to the projects, ideas, and people who deserve my best self.

For me, 2025 is about reclaiming my energy. It’s about focusing on what matters most—whether that’s diving into exciting projects, spending quality time with my family, or even just taking the time to breathe and reflect.

What’s Next

I’m not giving up on being open-minded, or curious - those qualities are simply too much integrated in to my being. But I’m learning that boundaries aren’t limits; they’re guideposts. They help us move forward with clarity and purpose.

So, here’s to 2025: the year of the “hell yes.” If it’s not something that lights me up, aligns with my values, and moves me closer to my goals, it’s a no.

I’m looking forward to seeing what this new mindset unlocks. And if you’re someone who’s struggled with balancing openness and focus, maybe this motto will resonate with you too.

After all, life’s too short for half-hearted “yeses.” Let’s save our energy for the things that truly deserve it.

What’s your motto for 2025?